Measurand's SAAScan instrument and SAARecorder software can be used to generate a report of borehole deviation called a Scan Report.

SAAScans are a rugged model of ShapeArray (SAA). SAAScans are typically used to measure inclination of boreholes for applications such as soil grouting or nailing. SAARecorder's Scan Report produces this information in both PDF and Microsoft Word format. This guide will show you how to generate a Scan Report.

Step 1 - Open SAASuite and Start SAARecorder

Start SAASuite by double-clicking on the shortcut on the desktop or the SAASuite.exe file in the installation folder. If you haven't installed SAASuite and SAARecorder, please follow the steps in the How to Download and Install SAASuite guide first.

In SAASuite 3.0 or higher, the SAARecorder application is launched by clicking the Manual Data Collection button.

Figure 1: Launch SAARecorder from SAASuite by clicking the Manual Data Collection button

Step 2 - Connect to your ShapeArray

When SAARecorder is first started, the SAARecorder Startup dialog will open. Click the Connect SAA button. 

Figure 2: SAARecorder Startup dialog

In the Connect dialog, select the appropriate connection type in the Connection to SAA section. After a short period, your ShapeArray should automatically be detected. Click the Start with found SAAs button. 

Note: If after a short period of time your ShapeArray is not automatically discovered, you may need to manually locate it. You can find detailed instructions for this in the Completing a Connection guide.


Figure 3: The Connect dialog

Step 3 - Configure Basic Settings

Configure the settings in the Basic Settings dialog. You can reopen this dialog at time from the SAA setup menu by selecting the View Basic Settings option. Click the OK button to save your settings configuration.

  • SAA Reference: Reference to Near (Cable) End
  • Averaging: 1000
  • Use Averaging-in-Array (AIA) mode: selected
  • Modeling Mode: 3-D Mode


Figure 4: The Basic Settings dialog in SAARecorder

Step 4 - Record Data from the ShapeArray

Measurand recommends using quick save to record data from the ShapeArray. To enable the quick save button, click on the File - Quick save button menu option. 


Figure 5: The File menu in SAARecorder

Once the quick save button has been enabled, it appears as a green Record Data button, as shown in image two. Click the Record Data button to record data from the ShapeArray.


Figure 6: the Quick Save button

When the Record Data button is clicked, the Recording dialog will display the progress of the data capture. Allow this recording to fully complete.


Figure 7: The Recording dialog

Step 5 - Choose File Name and the Scan Report Option

In the Choose Raw Data Filename dialog, browse to a folder and select a file name in which to save the captured data. Select the Save Scan Report Files checkbox and click the OK button to continue.

Note: The file name selected will be used for the data file, the Scan Report files, and the Text Snapshot file.


Figure 8: The Choose Raw Data Filename dialog

Step 6 - Configure Scan Report Options 

In the SAAScanReport dialog, you can configure various options for the Scan Report. More detailed information for these options can be found in the SAARecorder Manual. Configure your Scan Report as desired and click the Generate Report(s) button.

  • Options - Graph Limits and Units menu options
  • Font button
  • Header Text, Header Image, Footer Image 
  • Deviation limits (fixed, angular, or percentage) checkboxes 


Figure 9: Configuring Scan Report options

Step 7 - Locate and Open Report Files

SAARecorder will display a dialog indicating whether the data and report files were created successfully. This dialog will contain a full path to the folder containing each document. Click the OK button to continue.


Figure 10: File locations

Navigate into the folder path provided to locate the files. Double-click either the PDF or DOC file to view the report.

Figure 11: A sample Scan Report

A sample scan report generated with a short demo ShapeArray is attached.