Raw data recorded in SAARecorder as .rsa files can be converted to a multi_saa_allcart.mat file that can be opened in Measurand’s ShapeArray™ Viewer application (formerly known as SAAView). ShapeArray™ Viewer has many graphical interfaces and options available for viewing ShapeArray (SAA) data over a long period of time.
In SAASuite 3.0 or higher, the SAARecorder application is launched by clicking the Manual Data Collection button.
Figure 1: Launch SAARecorder from SAASuite by clicking the Manual Data Collection button
Step 1 - Select your Files
In SAARecorder, from the File menu, select the Export raw data to SAAView option.
Figure 2: The File menu in SAARecorder
In the Select Raw Data (.RSA) Files window, click on the Add button.
Figure 3: Click the Add button to start selecting files to export for viewing in SAAView
Select one or more files to export for viewing in ShapeArray™ Viewer. Once the files have been selected, click the Open button.

Figure 4: Navigate to and select the .RSA file to export and then click Open.
If the data being exported is for a ShapeArray installed for convergence monitoring or multiple ShapeArrays that overlap to form a Super SAA, then you must also specify a site file for the export process. More information about creating site files for ShapeArrays installed in these configurations is available in the Creating Site Files for Convergence and Superset ShapeArrays article on our Support web site. If necessary, select the Use Site Calibration File checkbox at the bottom of the Select Raw Data (.RSA) Files window and click the Browse button to select a site file.
If millisecond precision is required in the timestamps of the exported data, then the Use high precision timestamps checkbox will need to be selected.
Once you have selected your raw data (.RSA) files, and a site calibration file if necessary, click the OK button to continue.
Step 2 - Select Averaging Setting
In the Time vs. Samples dialog, select the appropriate averaging setting and click the OK button.
- File Averages - Data arrives from files, concatenated together. - Performs discrete averages, one per file (Output = 1 sample per file).
- No Averaging - Leave raw data unchanged. Note that ShapeArray™ Viewer expects at least 2 samples when displaying data, use this option if a single file is being converted for viewing in ShapeArray™ Viewer.
NOTE: The Step Averages, Discrete Average(s) of, and Running Average of options should only be used with older model ShapeArrays. These options are included for compatibility with legacy products and should not be used with modern ShapeArrays
Figure 5: Selecting appropriate averaging settings
If there are already converted data in the selected folder, a pop-up window will appear requesting to append or not.
- Yes, Append Files - Click to append data to previously exported files that already exist in the data folder
- Re-convert Everything - Click to completely overwrite any previously exported data files that might already exist in the data folder
- Cancel - Closes the export
Step 3 - Configure ShapeArray Conversion Parameters
In the SAA Conversion Parameters dialog, select the options that suit the ShapeArray raw data files selected and choose a Site File if required. Click the OK button to continue.
- Sernum: The Serial Number of the ShapeArray
- Vertical: Is the ShapeArray vertical?
- Ref=Far: Is the reference end the far (tip) end?
- Az. Deg: The azimuth offset of the X-mark on the ShapeArray in degrees
- NumSeg: The number of Segments in this ShapeArray
- Adjustment: Allows software adjustments to be applied to the converted data
- StartSeg: The segment to start with. This allows for skipping starting segments
- EndSeg: The segment to end with. This allows for skipping end segments
- SlavedSegments: A comma separated list of slaved segments
Figure 6: Selecting conversion parameters
Click the Continue button once the export is complete.
Figure 7: Conversion complete